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Parents as Teachers®

No-cost In-home Visiting Parent Education Program

Moms and children with books in a picnic setting.
Parents as Teachers logo.

Parents as Teachers® (PAT) is a no-cost in-home parent education program that supports parents in the critical role as their child’s first and most important teacher. Parent educators partner with parents to help them understand what to expect at each stage in a child’s development and gain creative skills to support school readiness.


PAT is available to families throughout pregnancy until the child enters kindergarten (usually at age 5). TCR Child Care Corporation is a Parents as Teachers Blue Ribbon affiliate serving families who live in Blount, Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Cullman, Dekalb, Etowah, Lawrence, Jackson, Randolph, St. Clair, Talladega, Tallapoosa and Winston counties.

PAT Families Receive

Personal Visits

A certified parent educator meets one-on-one with the family in the home or an agreed upon location to help parents understand their child’s development, uncover ways for the parent to engage, educate and interact with their child and to address any parenting concerns. Visits are fun and personalized to the needs of the family.

Group Connections

Families can gain more knowledge on parenting-related topics such as child-development, health and safety, discipline, sleep, and nutrition in a group setting where parents support and can learn from each other.


Annual screenings are provided for children including language, cognitive, motor and social-emotional development as well as hearing, vision, dental and health.

Community Resources Connections

Families can be connected with community resources to help them meet their specific needs on topics such as food, finances, skills training, etc.

Parents as Teachers Benefits Children, Parents and Families

PAT is an evidenced-based program designed to provide numerous benefits to parents and  families. Some of the key benefits are:

Early Childhood Development:

PAT equips parents with the knowledge and skills to understand and support their child’s early cognitive, social, language, emotional and physical development during the early critical years.

Parenting Skills:

The program empowers parents with effective parenting strategies and techniques, helping them become more confident and competent caregivers.

School Readiness:

Parents as Teachers prepares children for school. Children who participate in the program often show better school readiness which can have a positive impact on their long-term academic success.

Parent-Child Bonding:

Regular home visits facilitate meaningful interactions between parents and their children. Through play and activities, parents build stronger bonds with their kids, promoting secure attachment and emotional well-being.

Family Support:

PAT recognizes the importance of the entire family in a child’s development. The program provides support and resources for the entire family unit, addressing not only the child’s needs but the parents’ well-being.

Community Connection:

Parents as Teachers brings families together in a group activities and workshops, fostering a sense of community and support. Connecting with other parents can reduce isolation and provide a valuable network of like-minded individuals facing similar challenges.

Personalized Support:

Parent educators tailor their visits to the specific needs and circumstances of the family. This personalized approach ensures that families receive relevant guidance and support, addressing their unique challenges and concerns.

Early Identification of Developmental Delays:

Parent educators are trained t​o recognize early signs of developmental delays or potential issues. Identifying and addresses such concerns at an early age can lead to more effective interventions and better outcomes for the child.

Reduce Child Abuse and Neglect:

By offering support and resources to families, Parents as Teachers can contribute to reducing the incidence of child abuse and neglect. Educating parents about positive discipline and stress management can promote a healthier and safer home environment.

Long-Term Positive Outcomes:

Studies have shown that families who participate in PAT tend to experience positive long-term outcomes. These may include improved academic performance and increased graduation rates.


Photograph of LaKeeshia Sandlin.

LaKeeshia Sandlin

PAT Program Director

Serving: Blount, Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Cullman, Dekalb, Etowah, Lawrence, Jackson, Randolph, St. Clair, Talladega, Tallapoosa and Winston counties.

256.362.1390 ext. 21

Photograph of Tina Barnes.

Tina Barnes

Data Management Specialist

Cherokee County


Photograph of Dorothea Lawson.

Dorthea Lawson

Lead Parent Educator

Calhoun County


Photograph of Heather Rollin- Clemmer

Heather Rollin-Clemmer

Lead Parent Educator

Etowah County


Photograph of Araceli Altamirano

Araceli Altamirano

Parent Educator

Clay and Cleburne Counties


Photograph of Kimber Ard

Kimber Ard

Parent Educator

Lawrence County


Photograph of Garcia Smith

Elizabeth Garcia Smith

Parent Educator

Etowah County


Photograph of Rosemary Olivares.

Rosemary Olivares

Intake Specialist

Calhoun County


Photograph of Megan Morgan.

Megan Morgan

Parent Educator

Randolph County


Photograph of Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith

Parent Educator
St Clair County


Photograph of Joanne Moore

Joanne Moore

Parent Educator

Dekalb and Jackson Counties


Photograph of Genny Jacobs

Genny Jacobs

Parent Educator

Winston County


Photograph of Marquanza Leonard

Marqunza Leonard

Parent Educator

Etowah County


Photograph of Brandon Lindsey.

Brandon Lindsey

Parent Educator

Calhoun, Cleburne, Clay Counties


Photograph of Paulette Daniels

Paulette Daniels

Parent Educator

Tallapoosa County


Photograph of Tifanie Hendon

Tifanie Hendon

Parent Educator

Cherokee County


Photograph of Cheryl Lambert

Cheryl Lambert

Parent Educator

Dekalb County


Photograph of Melinda Fowles

Melinda Fowles

Parent Educator

Calhoun County

TCR logo

925 North Street, E. Talladega, AL 35160

© Copyright 2025 TCR Child Care

This website is supported by Grant Number 04CH012582 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).  The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Talladega Clay Randolph Child Care Corporation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

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